Thursday, January 13, 2011


Thank you, Emily... now we're officially running! (Well not quite, we haven't started doing Charly stuff yet...) In any case, I guess anyone in our lit group can post anything related to the book. I just wanted to check and make sure everything was set, so this is basically a more detailed version of "TESTING". I think only the blogger queen can delete posts and edit the theme and layout of the page, so we need to do that first thing when we get the chance.
OK!! Well I hope this will be successful...
apparently we are the first "of our kind" to be blogging as a class so,
like Charly's brain surgery,
"millions will follow in our footsteps to succeed".


  1. Haha yes it took a while. I don't know what to do I supposed to do anything else?

  2. yeah... take a quick look in the themes and see if there's anything good :)

  3. hahahahahahahaha wait did we even add makenna onto the list of contributors?????????

  4. Ummm, I thought we did. Do you think she hasn't accepted it or something?

  5. What are we even supposed to blog about on this.

  6. she accepted it, i love this post julia, good way to start

  7. hey, thanks!! you like my quote :) ?

  8. I think we're supposed to discuss the book and answer the questions Walker posts on his we answer the questions on our own pages? By the way, I am going to do CHARACTERS for lit circle question 2. Please let me know if this conflicts with anything!

  9. Ok, that sounds great. how do i create my own page....? do you have to do it for me? I'll look.
