Julia's Page

OK!! I don't know how to create my own page so I'm just going to do it here.

This is the only relevant thing I found on Youtube:

The first part of the movie:


Everything else is trailers made by high school kids and some reenactments of the movie.
There are no interviews with Daniel Keyes or awards or anything. But I'd like to see how well they did the movie (1968)
so there you are... sorry I couldn't find anything better.


I don't really like the book. It takes too long to get through each section, and I'm just WAITING to be done with it finally. His life is kind of boring as well, so it's like reading every day of any normal person's life. I can only not be bored with it while I'm reading if I multitask reading and eating. Can't he just live happier ever after and stop where he is now on page 127? I'd be fine with that, thanks.