Flowers For Algernon: Images

In the novel Flowers For Algernon, there are many important symbols to look for. The fallowing two images are symbols that i thought were important for the section I read of this story.
This first Image is very important. Algernon (mouse) plays a huge role in this novel. Algernon is a mouse being used for an experiment. He endured the same surgery as Charly. This was an experiment to see if Algernon would gain knowledge as well as if Charly would. While they both are going through this experiment,Charly starts to see changes in Algernon that are also going on inside him. Even though Algernon is only a mouse he plays a part of a companion in his story.
The Image of the bakery in the upper left corner is also a very important place in this book. The bakery in which Charly works gives him a since of home, where people care about him and look after him. Charly starts to realize as he becomes more and more intelligent, his fellow workers in the bakery don't treat him the same. Charly begins to notice problems in the bakery, and has trouble knowing what to do. Charly gets fired from the bakery after an incident that happened, but the bakery will always be a part of his life because that was his only real family to fall back on.
This Book Kinda Sucks!
As i read this book, i found myself controlling my urge to vomit. It started out as a interesting book and still kind of is. The section i am reading is very slow. His writing as he becomes a genius is very unintriguing,(if that's a word!) and boring. I find myself reading about enzymes and things i don't understand. But i hope this book turns out well so it will be intriguing!
Question (1)
In the novel Flowers For Algernon written by: Daniel Keyes, the plot is located in a variety of places, all within New York City. The majority of the story is set at Charly Gordan's apartment, where he writes his daily progress reports. The novel is also set at the bakery in which Charly works, and lastly at a night school Charly attends for adults suffering retardation. From what I have read so far in this story, it seems to me that it takes place in either the late 1900's or early twenty first century. While the story is written in a series of misspelled progress reports, setting is not easy to identify at the start of the story, but the way the story is written is very real and intriguing. I am exited to find out what happens next!
I have been through ups and downs while reading this novel. As you have read in my THIS BOOK KINDA SUCKS POST, i was not to interested in the book at that point in time, but you know what it ended better then i thought it was going to be, which is why i am writing thisrecommendation to my fellow peers telling you "You Know What, It's not so Bad!" pick it up and read it its a book that can take you on a journey if you sit down and take time to comprehend the words on the page. So maybe i was harsh on this author, and with reading the end i had no right to be. As i look back on this novel its pretty darn good. Not great but not bad by any means. Charly is character, and by that i mean a CHARACTER. And he changes throughout this novel.
I have been through ups and downs while reading this novel. As you have read in my THIS BOOK KINDA SUCKS POST, i was not to interested in the book at that point in time, but you know what it ended better then i thought it was going to be, which is why i am writing thisrecommendation to my fellow peers telling you "You Know What, It's not so Bad!" pick it up and read it its a book that can take you on a journey if you sit down and take time to comprehend the words on the page. So maybe i was harsh on this author, and with reading the end i had no right to be. As i look back on this novel its pretty darn good. Not great but not bad by any means. Charly is character, and by that i mean a CHARACTER. And he changes throughout this novel.
One of the many things i was amazed with was with the authors writing. At the beginning of this book Charly's writing style was misspelled and not edited, therefore it grabbed my hands and drew me in because of how REAL it was. i loved that part of the story. It made you feel like this was a actual journal full of PROGRESS REPORTS, written by an adult suffering retardation. I don't know if it was just me but I'm sure other people like this part of the book, But it takes a long time to read! i mean try and read PROGRESS REPORT 1 MARCH 3, when it is spelled Progris Riport Martch 3. I mean I don't know? The fallowing is a short passage from the beginning of the book to show you all how Daniel Keyes A.K.A the author uses misspelled words to make these journal entrees more REAL.
I had a test today. I think i faled it and i think mabye now they won't use me. What happind is i went to prof Nemurs office on my lunch time like they said and secertery took me to a place that said psych dept on the door with a long hall and alot of littel rooms with onley a desk andchares......
You see how hard that is too read... yeah but it sure does make it interesting. OK well i was sointrigued in the beginning. it was to me the best book i had read........but then Charly got smart, and i got bored and i found myself shaking my head to paragraph after paragraph of scientific language. And i was sitting at my desk at 11:30 at night trying to get past page 127 for it seemed like days, because i didn't now if i could.
After about page 140, the book was intriguing again ad i found myself unable to put the novel down which was very surprising. Charly got smart but then Charly started to live as a normal human fighting for a normal life, and not a monkey on a treadmill, Running and running and not getting anywhere, which is great modifier for Charly's life in this story.
You know something, this book is a MUST READ, but even if you find yourself confused as i did and unable to wrap you head around the main concepts of the book KEEP READING and all of the secrets you need will come out and Charly's life will be revealed.
This book was a roller coaster, taking me up and down, loop-De-loop, Cork screws and i didn't know if i could finish, but know that i have there is now choice for you not to read this novel. its good, its not the most exiting book, believe me its slow, but you haven't lived until you have read this book. Daniel Keyes did a nice job in this book, and you need to read this book in your lifetime, maybe later in your life is a better time to read it. But why not read it now? you got nothing to lose! OR DO YOU?
I don't know how to set up my page either, but I found this video on youtube of a mouse in a maze. Thought it was cool because it related with the book. Kind of a smart mouse!
I don't know how to set up my page either, but I found this video on youtube of a mouse in a maze. Thought it was cool because it related with the book. Kind of a smart mouse!
Go to the link below and check it out!!