Thursday, January 27, 2011
Assignment #3. I hate this book.
I don't really like the book. It takes too long to get through each section, and I'm just WAITING to be done with it finally. It's boring. His life is kind of boring as well, so it's like reading every day of any normal person's life. I can only not be bored with it while I'm reading if I multitask reading and eating. Can't he just live happily ever after and stop where he is now on page 127? I'd be fine with that, thanks.
This Book Kinda Sucks
As i read this book, i found myself controlling my urge to vomit. It started out as a interesting book and still kind of is. The section i am reading is very slow. His writing as he becomes a genius is very unintriguing,(if that's a word!) and boring. I find myself reading about enzymes and things i don't understand. But i hope this book turns out well so it will be intriguing!
Monday, January 24, 2011
How do I...
Hey does anybody know how to make it so other people from other blogs can comment on my posts? I know how to get to the "Who Can Comment?" part, but I don't know which option to select. Do any of you guys know what I'm talking about? We all need to do it for Lit. Circle Question 3. Thanks!
assignment #1...
Ok! Here's the first assignment...
The setting of "Flowers for Algernon" is set in modern NY (1950ish??). The first character introduced is Charly, who is narrarating. Several of his doctors are later introduced, and his family is mentioned. Those are the first characters introduced in the novel.
The setting of "Flowers for Algernon" is set in modern NY (1950ish??). The first character introduced is Charly, who is narrarating. Several of his doctors are later introduced, and his family is mentioned. Those are the first characters introduced in the novel.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Question (1)
In the novel Flowers For Algernon written by: Daniel Keyes, the plot is located in a variety of places, all within New York City. The majority of the story is set at Charly Gordan's apartment, where he writes his daily progress reports. The novel is also set at the bakery in which Charly works, and lastly at a night school Charly attends for adults suffering retardation. From what I have read so far in this story, it seems to me that it takes place in either the late 1900's or early twenty first century. While the story is written in a series of misspelled progress reports, setting is not easy to identify at the start of the story, but the way the story is written is very real and intriguing. I am exited to find out what happens next!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Songs that relate to the book:
"Charlie" -Flowers for Algernon, Michael Crawford
''Flowers For Charlie'' -Elliott Smith
''I Like Cheese A Lot'' -Atom Winston
''Little Mouse'' -Look Around
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I have no idea how to publish my blogs onto MY page, so i published onto the home page. If you can help me that would be great!
Flowers For Algernon: Images

In the novel Flowers For Algernon, there are many important symbols to look for. The fallowing two images are symbols that i thought were important for the section I read of this story.
This first Image is very important. Algernon (mouse) plays a huge role in this novel. Algernon is a mouse being used for an experiment. He endured the same surgery as Charly. This was an experiment to see if Algernon would gain knowledge as well as if Charly would. While they both are going through this experiment, Charly starts to see changes in Algernon that are also going on inside him. Even though Algernon is only a mouse he plays a part of a companion in his story.
The Image of the bakery in the upper left corner is also a very important place in this book. The bakery in which Charly works gives him a since of home, where people care about him and look after him. Charly starts to realize as he becomes more and more intelligent, his fellow workers in the bakery don't treat him the same. Charly begins to notice problems in the bakery, and has trouble knowing what to do. Charly gets fired from the bakery after an incident that happened, but the bakery will always be a part of his life because that was his only real family to fall back on.
Your very own PAGES
Hey there. So there has been some confusion with how to make pages. I'm not sure if I'm the only person that can create them, but if not, I did anyways. Under "pages" at the top right, there should be a page with your name on it. I hope it worked....Please let me know!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Lit Group Question
Question (1)
In the novel Flowers For Algernon written by: Daniel Keyes, the plot is located in a variety of places, all within New York City. The majority of the story is set at Charly Gordan's apartment, where he writes his daily progress reports. The novel is also set at the bakery in which Charly works, and lastly at a night school Charly attends for adults suffering retardation. From what I have read so far in this story, it seems to me that it takes place in either the late 1900's or early twenty first century. While the story is written in a series of misspelled progress reports, setting is not easy to identify at the start of the story, but the way the story is written is very real and intriguing. I am exited to find out what happens next!
Mouse Maze!
I don't know how to set up my page either, but I found this video on youtube of a mouse in a maze. Thought it was cool because it related with the book. Kind of a smart mouse!
Go to the link below and check it out!!
Hey you guys! If you have any questions regarding how to do something on the site (create a page, etc.) please comment on this and someone will most likely get back to you. If you're confused and technologically challenged like I am, ask someone tomorrow at school. Remember, the first two questions are due Thursday!
OK!! I don't know how to create my own page so I'm just going to do it here.
This is the only relevant thing I found on Youtube:
The first part of the movie:
Everything else is trailers made by high school kids and some reenactments of the movie.
There are no interviews with Daniel Keyes or awards or anything. But I'd like to see how well they did the movie (1968)
so there you are... sorry I couldn't find anything better.
This is the only relevant thing I found on Youtube:
The first part of the movie:
Everything else is trailers made by high school kids and some reenactments of the movie.
There are no interviews with Daniel Keyes or awards or anything. But I'd like to see how well they did the movie (1968)
so there you are... sorry I couldn't find anything better.
Flowers For Algernon Setting
Flowers for Algernon was published in 1966, after a very successful short story, published in 1959. It is set in New York city in 1965 in the labs of Beekman college, where Charly Gordon studies the effects of a surgery designed to raise his I.Q. Although it was written 45 years ago, it has a modern feel as Daniel Keyes (the author) doesn't really discuss the technology available to Charly. The surgery was preformed after very promising results from a mouse named Algernon. Charly develops a close relationship with Algernon because of the connection they have from being the only two 'people' in the world to ever have the surgery with supposedly successful results.
Flowers For Algernon Symbols
There are two very important symbols in Flowers For Algernon. The first is Algernon the mouse, Charly's companion and the first successful patient of the intelligence boosting surgery, and the second is the window that Charly looked out of as a child.
Charly studies Algernon as he gets smarter and smarter, investigating the effects of the surgery and trying to predict his intellectual future. Algernon is the ultimate symbol of Charly, as whatever happens to the mouse is thought to happen to the man. Algernon is also a symbol of progress and hope, at least, until things start going downhill.
The second symbol, the window, gives the reader a glimpse of what Charly's childhood was like. After the surgery he starts remembering his youth, taking note of the perspective of all his memory's. Young Charly is always looking out the window, at the children in his neighborhood playing games without him. It is a sign of neglect and loneliness.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Thank you, Emily... now we're officially running! (Well not quite, we haven't started doing Charly stuff yet...) In any case, I guess anyone in our lit group can post anything related to the book. I just wanted to check and make sure everything was set, so this is basically a more detailed version of "TESTING". I think only the blogger queen can delete posts and edit the theme and layout of the page, so we need to do that first thing when we get the chance.
OK!! Well I hope this will be successful...
apparently we are the first "of our kind" to be blogging as a class so,
like Charly's brain surgery,
"millions will follow in our footsteps to succeed".
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